Ready to FREE YOUR BODY by improving strength, actually feeling proper muscle activations, and gaining mobility through guided flows for less than $30?!

Learn proper cueing through full videos with your Doctor of Physical Therapy as I move WITH you through MUSCLE ACTIVATIONS, FUNCTIONAL HIIT WORKOUTS, CORE STABILITY WORKOUTS and FULL MOBILITY FLOWS



Improve Strength. Build Awareness. FREE YOUR BODY.


All too often I hear of people getting injured from their workout programs.

Listen, injury is going to happen. It's a part of the human experience. Our body reports pain as a signal to let us know there is something we're neglecting. It is not a signal that anything is "bad". It is purely to build awareness. So, if we start paying attention to those signals, we can reduce the risk of injury. This is where The Optimal Body comes in. Learn to strengthen your weaknesses, improve mobility throughout the body, and understand true core stability. Learn how to find YOUR Optimal Body.

15% Discount when you commit for the year!


Doc Jen 

Hey there! I'm Dr. Jen Esquer, PT, DPT, an internationally-renown Doctor of Physical Therapy and your personal online Physical Therapist. I specialize in helping people overcome chronic pain and maximize physical performance. As the founder of two transformative programs, "The Mobility Method" and this one - "The Optimal Body", I bring a unique, whole body approach to strength, mobility and pain-free living.

Over the years, my easily accessible approach into the body has gained more than half a million followers on social media and more than 10 million views helping people move out of pain and back into their bodies. I'm honored to sit on the medical advisory board of Women's Health and Strong Fitness magazine, and was fortunate to recently grace the cover of Oxygen Magazine.

As a self-proclaimed “mover”, I have spent more 5 years helping my clients and thousands around the world learn to listen to their body, reverse aging, eliminate pain and do the things they never thought possible.

I created The Optimal Body as a way to help you achieve an optimal level of function through releasing restrictions, learning and understanding what true core stability means, and moving with functional HIIT workouts that can literally reverse aging, boost energy, and burn fat

As a therapist, I am committed to keeping you OUT of my office and independent in your own body. So, I made sure to keep this as afforable as possible!

Click HERE to join me and over 2100+ members around the world optimizing their bodies now!

What's Inside Your Monthly First Year of The Optimal Body Membership?

  • Finally Feel Your Glutes Come Alive
  • Feel and Understand Difference Between Quad Dominance and Glute Dominance
  • Find Alignment in Your Trunk Through Efficient Muscle Activation and Expert Cueing
  • Full Demonstrations as if you were at Physical Therapy
  • 5 New Activations Added Monthly

(VALUE: $150)

  • One 16 Minute HIIT Workout
  • One 22 Minute HIIT Workout
  • Two 30 Minute HIIT Workouts
  • Verbal & Written Cueing 
  • Modifications & Progressions 
  • 4 New Workouts Added Monthly

(VALUE: $50)

  • Level 1 - Level 4 Core Workouts
  • Verbal & Written Cueing
  • No more than 5-15 minutes each 
  • 4 New Workouts Added Monthly

(VALUE: $50)

  • Spine Mobility Flow
  • Upper Body Mobility Flow
  • Lower Body Mobility Flow
  • Full Body Mobility Flow
  • Verbal & Written Cueing
  • No more than 5-15 minutes each
  • 4 New Flows Added Monthly

(VALUE: $50)

  • Understand the Mind-Body Neurological Connection 
  • Practical Tools to Implement Immediately 
  • Journal Opportunities
  • No more than 5-15 minutes each
  • 1 New Tool Added Monthly

(VALUE: $25)

  • 4 Recipes: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack/Dessert
  • 1 Ingredient Focus Each Month
  • Nutritional Facts
  • Grocery List  
  • 4 New Recipes Added Monthly

(VALUE: $10)

  • ONE time enrollment into private Facebook group  
  • Support and accountability from an amazing community 
  • Weekly Community Q&A and Workouts!

(VALUE: $25)


Since I don't provide online or personal training, this covers everything you could need plus so much more than what I could provide in a single session. 



Or purchase for the full year at 15% OFF !


Don't just take my word for it...

"You've made my life better Jen. You helped me take a risk and push through a slump. All through video. The medium can truly be used to CHANGE LIVES. And I love how you do it... It's like opening a gift every month. I emphatically recommend!" Jill Miller (co-founder of Tune Up Fitness)

"So I'm on my third month of the program and I'm already noticing huge differences in how my body feels. I've been dealing with a hip injury for about 5 years now and I've been doing physical therapy for about 3 years. I've been so frustrated for the past year or so because the doctos have said my injury is healed but I still felt like I was in so much pain everyday. It felt like my body was just "stuck" and it couldn't remember how to move properly or like my mind forgot what to tell my body in order to move. I've regained a lot of mobility that I didn't even realize was gone. Every month is a new challenge with the videos and by the end of the month I feel so much more confident in those movements. One exercise that has been a game changer is the spinal roll down, omg! I didn't realize how good it would feel to move my body like that. I just wanted to say thanks, Jen for putting this program together!" - Christina

"I've been through a really hard Jan-Feb and this program is just what I needed to bring me back to focusing on myself and getting back to focusing on myself and getting moving again!! I've really been thinking about all my "Why's" and love writing about them in my posts almost as much as the workouts!! It's like self therapy haha! Thank you." - Cristina 

"Promised myself I'd work on mobility and stability at least 3x a week w/ @docjenfit... This is a challenge for me on all levels. My core isn't as strong as it needs to be, hence the recurring injuries, hence me needing this kind of training. AND I want nothing more than to grab a heavy pair of weights and run some sprints... BUT, that's the kind of one sided training that got me into this injury prone state in the first place... I wanna say... I feel sooooo good when I'm done! I'm really proud of myself for sticking with it." - Erin

"I love The Optimal Body!! Don't even have to think about what I should do... Just pull it up and pick! And I love getting new workouts every month! I like variation." - Shane

"Perfect home workout! @docjenfit @theoptimalbody you rock! My life has been changed for the better because of your program!" - Candie

"All I can say is WOW!! In the short time I tried your program I am seeing a huge difference. Usually I see my chiropractor twice per month. I have not had to go so far this month. I used full body mobility flow this morning and felt some adjustments in my spine. I am able to tell a big difference in this short time. Thank you for what you do." - Anonymous

"Love it! Optimal Body has helped me come a long way since having my hernias repaired!!" - Melissa

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this a recurrent payment or one-time payment?  

This is a subscription based plan. You will receive 12 NEW workouts + 5 NEW muscle activations every month!

Will I automatically be subscribed for the next month?

Yes. You are signing up for a subscription plan where I ADD 12 new workouts every month you are subscribed. You must unsubscribe through "My Account" if you no longer wish to continue after the free month. Any charges after the first month will not be refunded. 

Do I lose the previous workouts after each new month?

Nope! That's the best part! The longer you stay in the program and maintain membership, the larger the workout library! How awesome is that?! Each month, you'll receive 12 NEW workouts, PLUS keep all the previous months as well!

After 1 year with the program, you will have access to TOP FITNESS trainers with a brand new type of functional movement class PLUS your already 140+ previous workouts and mobility flows!

Do I lose the previous workouts if I decide to unsubscribe?

Yes, unfortunately, just as a typical gym membership, you will no longer have access to the workouts. We understand that funds change, and sometimes you may need to leave us for awhile. My hope is that while you were in the program, you learned a ton about your body and you are then able to incorporate it into any future workouts you may do! 

Also, if you decide to come back at any time, you can resume right where you left off using the same email and card information as before!

What if I am currently in pain or have an injury?

Not to worry. I always encourage you to listen to your body. Use the modifications whenever necessary or only focus on core and mobility for the month if you need to back off the HIIT for awhile. Each workout will have very little impact on your joints and safe for all ages. 

Will this be detrimental to my lifting program?

Nope! In fact, it will be the exact OPPOSITE! The mobility flows will allow you easily implement warm-ups/cool-downs to your regular workouts so that you can begin to lift heavier, open your shoulders and back swiftly, and squat deeper.

What if I want to unsubscribe?  

We would be bummed to see you go, but I understand life happens! You can unsubscribe at any time through the "My Account - Billing" tab once you're logged in! You will be immediately removed from our facebook community as well.  

What if I am unhappy with this course?

We have a 30-day money back guarantee policy. I never want you to feel unsatisfied, so contact us ( jen @ docjenfit dot com) within the first 30 days of purchase and you'll receive a full refund. 

Ready to Optimize My Body Now!

I am so excited for you to take this on! There will be a full community involved to help support and provide accountability.

I am truly dedicated to you getting results and feeling GREAT which is why I have a 30-day money back guarantee. 

If there is anything that you're not satisfied with, please reach out to me within the first 30 days of purchase ( and we'll see if there is anything I can do to help support you. If not, there will be a full refund guaranteed.

Looking forward to connecting more with you!

In love and health,

Dr. Jen Esquer
